About Tabor for All

The purpose of Tabor for All is to increase access to Mount Tabor Park in Portland, Oregon for all members of the community and to ensure improvements to the park that enhance accessibility

Tabor for All, a grassroots group, came about in Spring 2024 when four people who love the park—two with disabilities, two without—began talking informally. In this initial phase, we are channeling our intersecting passions and skills to ask how fresh thinking about accessibility might create a richer experience for disabled people at Mt. Tabor. Beyond legal compliance, we operate from a creative, community-building mindset where access brings something for everyone, where it is built in rather than bolted on at every stage. Key to our effort is fostering partnerships and gathering information. Join us!

Founding Group:  Cathy Kudlick, Ron Hall, Kay Hall, Paul Leistner


Cathy Kudlick

As someone with a lifelong vision impairment and love of nature, I am thrilled to represent the Friends of Mt Tabor Park Board in the Tabor for All effort. My career before retirement centered around creating and running a path-breaking disability cultural center on a college campus. I look forward to rethinking what we take for granted at Tabor and building greater access for all.

Ron Hall

In the forty years I have lived at the foot of Mt Tabor, I have participated in numerous projects to contribute to changes which make the park more accessible to more of the community: My career included working with people with spinal cord injuries at CIL in Berkeley and developmentally disabled youth and young adults.

Twenty years ago, I had an accident which resulted in me needing a wheelchair for my mobility. This event caused me to experience the park as a person with disabilities and see the need for greater accessibility in the park. I welcome the opportunity to work with other community members and park staff to continue to make improvements which will make the park a welcoming place for all.

Kay Hall

I have lived near Mt Tabor Park for most of my life and have benefitted from full access to all the park offers: trails, incredible views, playgrounds,tennis courts, picnic spots and wonderful nature all within feet of my house. It was only after my husband had an accident that requires him to use a wheelchair for mobility did I realize where the park is inaccessible. I have spent my professional life working to create inclusive change in organizations. My commitment is to be an ally for those with disabilities to experience Mt Tabor as fully as they want to without barriers

Paul Leistner

I am proud to represent the Mt. Tabor Neighborhood Association on the Tabor for All project. As a community activist in Portland for almost 30 years, I have served in various roles, including as City of Portland Neighborhood Program Coordinator. At Portland State I dug deep into what makes for effective community engagement, knowledge I’ve shared in graduate-level teaching, research and consulting. I come to this project as an ally who grew up in a family with my sister, Dori, whose developmental disability spurred my whole family to pursue disability rights and access.

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